This tutorial is intended to explain how to uninstall MSN different customers by Microsoft.
In Windows XP, go to Start Menu -> Control Panel.
Then go to "Add/Remove Programs".
In the left menu, click on "Add or Remove Windows Components".
The "Windows Components Wizard" will open. At the bottom of the list, uncheck the "Windows Messenger" box and click "Next."
The wizard will now properly remove Windows Messenger.
To uninstall "MSN Messenger", nothing more simple.
Windows XP, still in "Add / Remove Programs", find the "MSN Messenger" line and click "Delete".
Windows Vista / 7 / 8, go to the Control Panel and click on "Uninstall a program" in the "Programs". Then locate the "MSN Messenger" line and double click it to start the uninstallation.
To uninstall "Windows Live Messenger", you have to look for the line "Windows Live Essentials". This is because "Windows Live Messenger" is embedded in a pack called "Windows Live".
You will then need to select "Messenger" to only uninstall the program and not the whole "Windows Live" pack.
The uninstaller of Windows Live starts. Start by selecting "Uninstall" and click "Continue."
Then, select "Messenger" from the list. As indicated at the top of the list, "Only the checked programs will be removed".
Uninstall "Windows Live Messenger" is performed.
You will note that the component "Windows Live Call" will also be deleted. This component used to make the Audio and Video communication by "Windows Live Messenger".
Windows Live Messenger is now uninstalled.
MSN Microsoft clients are now all uninstalled.
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