Once you have registered on Familycard, log in (if you have not already done so) by clicking on the "Log in" button (located at the top right of the site).
Then, enter your email address and the password for your FamilyCard account and click on "Log in".
Use the search engine at the top of the site to find the desired site.
In this case, type "mediamarkt" and click on the proposed "MediaMarkt" site.
As you can see, currently, Familycard will refund you 2% of the money you spent at MediaMarkt.
Of course, you can still use promo codes and gift cards on MediaMarkt if you have them.
To do this, click on the button "Activate your card" (the Familycard loyalty card in short).
You arrive on the MediaMarkt website and you see a popup regarding the use of cookies.
Choose your language at the top right of this popup on a white background (in the case of MediaMarkt), then click on the "Accept all" button.
Warning : it is essential to click on the "Accept all" button so that the tracking of your purchase can be carried out correctly and you can recover the 2% that Familycard offers you for this site.
If you look at the address bar of your web browser, you will probably see that additional information has appeared behind the URL of the MediaMarkt website.
In this case, you can see that tracking is being done via the affiliate platform "Tradedoubler".
Note: the affiliate platform used may change over time, but that is taken care of by Familycard. Nothing changes for you.
Make your purchases on the MediaMarkt website using the search engine of this site or by using the categories of the MediaMarkt website.
In our case, we bought an external hard drive.
Warning : always stay in the same tab, never open several tabs or windows with the MediaMarkt website when you make your purchases via a cashback site.
It is essential to stay on the same tab so that tracking is possible from page to page until the moment your order is validated on the MediaMarkt website.
Once you have added the desired products to your shopping cart on the MediaMarkt website, click on the "View Cart" button.
Next, click on the user icon (located at the top right).
Log in or create an account on MediaMarkt (if you don't have an account on this site yet).
Then, click on "I order".
Choose your desired payment method (this does not matter for your cashback) and click "Continue".
Click on "Continue and pay".
Make payment for your order as you usually do.
The message "Thank you for your order!" will appear on the MediaMarkt website.
You can find your order in your MediaMarkt account.
As you can see, it is January 6, 2025 when we placed this order.
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