Like most programs, the default language for the Hiren Boot CD (HBCD) live CD is English and the default keyboard is therefore QWERTY.
When you download Hiren Boot CD 15.2, you will find a "" file.
Unzip this file and go into the "DefaultKeyboardPatch" folder that appeared.
In this folder, you will find 3 files :
In the "PatchInfo.txt" file, you will see that there are 2 possibilities to change the keyboard to be used by default with Hiren Boot CD and its mini Windows XP.
The 1st technique is to copy the "data.dat" and "Patch.cmd" files next to the Hiren Boot CD iso file.
Launch the "Patch.cmd" file and locate the language of your keyboard.
For example : X : United Kingdom for a QWERTY keyboard
If you choose "X" for the "United Kingdom" keyboard, the patch will locate the "Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.iso" file and will create the "Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.UK.Keyboard.iso" file.
Once the iso file is patched, the "Press any key to exit" message will appear.
Press any key to close the window.
As expected, a new iso file appeared in the Hiren Boot CD folder.
The 2nd possibility to change the keyboard which will be used by default by Hiren Boot CD 15.2 consists in :
As stated before, when you download Hiren Boot CD 15.2, you will find a "HBCDCustomizer.exe" program next to the Hiren Boot CD iso file.
Launch this program "HBCDCustomizer.exe" and a "Hiren's BootCD - Custom ISO Creator" window will appear.
In this window :
Wait while the files are extracted.
By default, the Hiren Boot CD files will have been extracted to the "C:\MyBootCD\CD" folder.
In the "C:\MyBootCD\CD\HBCD\Boot" folder, you will find a "Keyboard.bat" file.
As you can see :
Find the 2 letter code that corresponds to your keyboard and enter it on the 2nd line instead of the "US".
For example "UK" for "United Kingdom".
Rather than manually modifying the previously mentioned file, you can also choose your keyboard directly from the "HBCDCustomizer.exe" program.
For example : United Kingdom.
Click : Make ISO.
Wait while the iso file is created.
Once the iso file is created, the "ISO Created" message will be displayed.
The new iso file will be located by default in the "C:\MyBootCD" folder.
If you have selected your keyboard from the "HBCDCustomizer.exe" program, you can check the "HBCD\Boot\Keyboard.bat" file via 7-zip.
As you can see, the "HBCDCustomizer.exe" program has automatically edited this "Keyboard.bat" file to specify the code that corresponds to the desired keyboard.
Burn the modified iso file to a CD or turn your modified iso file into a bootable USB key, then boot from it.
Select "Mini Windows Xp" and press Enter.
Windows XP starts up.
If you look at the bottom right, you'll see your language displayed next to the time.
If you click on this icon, you will see that your keyboard has already been selected by default.
Live CD 4/27/2012
Live CD 4/27/2012
Live CD 7/5/2022
Live CD 5/16/2013
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