Now that your mini PC is correctly connected to your TV:
Note: the black edge of the images corresponds to the black edge of the TV.
As expected, Windows appears on your TV.
Just as proof, we opened Windows 10 display settings.
As you can see, we have a resolution of 3840x2160 px (instead of the "1920x1080" of our computer screen).
By clicking on the "Advanced display settings" link a little further down, you can see that our mini PC (whose integrated graphics card is an "Intel(R) Iris(R) Pro Graphics 580") is connected to our SAMSUNG TV.
Launch the "Moonlight" program (already installed previously) and you should see your remote PC appear.
Otherwise, the "GameStream" feature is not enabled on the remote PC and/or your mini PC is not connected to the same network as your remote PC.
Click on that PC and Moonlight asks you to type a 4-digit code on the remote PC.
If you followed our little tip in step 3 of this tutorial, you will connect via the VNC protocol to the remote PC.
To do this, launch the VNC client "TightVNC Viewer" on your mini PC, type the computer name detected by Moonlight and click on the "Connect" button.
In the "Vnc Authentication" window, type the password you set when installing the VNC server "TightVNC Server", then click OK.
On the remote PC that you are viewing via VNC, type the 4-digit code displayed by Moonlight into the "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" notification box located at the bottom right of the screen on the remote PC, then click "Connect".
Important : once the code is typed and the NVIDIA notification disappears, close this TightVNC client.
This will restore the original wallpaper on the remote PC. Otherwise, you will also have a black background when using Moonlight.
Now, the PC padlock detected by Moonlight is gone.
Games added in the "GameStream" feature configuration on the remote PC appear in Moonlight.
In our case, we choose the game "NFS Heat".
The message "Starting [game name]" appears.
Then, the remote PC desktop appears for a few seconds.
Important : just wait for the game to launch on the remote PC. Indeed, depending on the game chosen, it may take a few seconds to react.
As expected, the chosen game starts automatically.
Our game "NFS Heat" appears on our TV screen (although it is installed on another PC in another room).
Main menu of the game on our Samsung TV.
Game loading screen on our TV.
Photo of the game in action on our TV.
Note that we tested this game for 1h30 without having any problem.
Note: if you have slowdowns:
Other 2/27/2025
Other 2/20/2025
Other 3/6/2025
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