To remotely play a game installed on another PC, you could use the Moonlight client and the "GameStream" feature of NVIDIA GeForce Experience installed on your gaming PC.
Important : NVIDIA GeForce Experience's "GameStream" feature has been deprecated since November 2023.
This feature will therefore no longer be available in the future.
Source : GameStream End of Service Notification | NVIDIA.
Important : the "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" program page has disappeared from the NVIDIA website (although it can still be downloaded) in favor of the new "NVIDIA app" application which brings together the NVIDIA Control Panel, the GeForce Experience and RTX Experience applications.
However, the "GameStream" feature is no longer part of this new "NVIDIA app" application and installing this new application uninstalls the NVIDIA GeForce Experience application.
Sources :
- Download NVIDIA App for Gamers and Creators | NVIDIA
- NVIDIA GameStream End Of Service Announcement FAQ · moonlight-stream/moonlight-docs Wiki · GitHub
In short, to solve this problem, Moonlight suggests you download the free program "Sunshine" which allows you to do the same thing as the "GameStream" feature of NVIDIA GeForce Experience which will eventually disappear completely.
As you can see in the Sunshine documentation, this program allows you to stream games over your local network (without needing the Internet as was the case with Parsec) and supports all known brands of graphics cards (Nvidia, AMD and Intel).
To check if your graphics card is supported, click on the link corresponding to the brand of your graphics card (AMD / Intel / Nvidia).
As you can see, a minimum of 4 GB of RAM is required on your gaming PC, as well as Windows 10 at least.
As you can see, in our case our NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card supports encoding via NVENC.
Source : Video Encode and Decode GPU Support Matrix | NVIDIA Developer.
Before installing Sunshine, here are the NVIDIA components installed in our case.
As you can easily see in the image below, the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program is not installed and therefore the GameStream feature is not used on this PC.
To download the Sunshine program, go to the official Moonlight website and go to the menu: Host downloads -> Sunshine.
You will arrive on the GitHub repository "LizardByte / Sunshine" with by default, the latest version available to download.
In our case, the version "v0.23.1".
A little further down, you will find an "Assets" section that allows you to download this program for several well-known Linux distributions (such as: Debian, Fedora or Ubuntu), but also for Windows.
For Windows, you will first need to click on the "Show all 21 assets" link.
Then, click on the link "sunshine-windows-installer.exe".
Run the downloaded file and the Sunshine installer will appear.
Nothing special for its installation, just click "Next" at each step.
As you will see during the installation, the Sunshine program will be launched automatically when Windows starts.
Which will make your life easier to remotely access your gaming PC from the Moonlight client.
Sunshine installation is in progress.
During the installation, the Sunshine documentation page will automatically appear.
Feel free to bookmark this one so you can find the information you need in case.
Sunshine is installed.
Once the Sunshine program is installed on your gaming PC, you will see an icon with an orange circle appear in the Windows taskbar.
To get started, click on the Sunshine icon in the taskbar, then click: Open Sunshine.
Ignore the warning due to the self-signed certificate used to secure access to the Sunshine web interface.
By default, Sunshine will ask you to enter a password for the user account (named "sunshine" by default) that will allow you to access the Sunshine web interface.
Enter a password for this user account, then click the "Login" button.
Warning : do not forget these credentials, because you will need them to access this web interface later.
In addition, this web interface is also accessible from any computer on your local network (by default). Although you can change this setting in the Sunshine web interface.
Plain Text
The credentials are needed to access Sunshine's Web UI. Keep them safe, since you will never see them again!
The message below will appear with a green background, then the Sunshine web interface will ask you for the credentials you just configured.
Plain Text
Success! This page will reload soon, your browser will ask you for the new credentials.
The message "This site requires you to log in" will appear.
Enter the username (default: sunshine) and password you just defined, then click: Login.
The "Sunshine" web interface appears with several sections:
Other 3/3/2025
Other 2/27/2025
Other 2/20/2025
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