With the Moonlight program (which is free and cross-platform) and NVIDIA GeForce Experience's "GameStream" feature (which is also free), you can play your games remotely from another PC.
In our case, we used:
Important : the "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" program must already be installed on the PC where your games are installed.
To do this, follow our tutorial "Nvidia GeForce Experience - Download latest version available" to use the latest version of NVIDIA GeForce Experience available on the NVIDIA website.
If the latest version of "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" is not supported by your graphics card, then install an older version of "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" by following our tutorial "Nvidia GeForce Experience - Old version for old graphics card".
Once the "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" program is installed on the remote computer where your games are installed, search for "GeForce Experience" in the start menu and launch the program of the same name.
As you can see, games launched at least once on this computer will appear in the "Home" tab.
In our case, we will use the game "Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
Click on the gear icon located at the top right and verify that the status of the "GAMESTREAM" feature is "Ready".
If this is not the case, display the prerequisites of this "GAMESTREAM" feature by clicking on the small arrow to its right.
Note: as you can see, officially, the "GameStream" feature allows you to broadcast your games on the NVIDIA SHIELD.
NVIDIA SHIELD being a physical device sold separately (and which you do not need in this case).
Indeed, you will use the "Moonlight" program as a client instead of the "NVIDIA SHIELD" device visible below.
As you can see, the prerequisites for the "GameStream" feature are:
If your graphics card is supported for the "GameStream" feature, you should see a "SHIELD" tab on the left side of the window.
If so, turn on the "GAMESTREAM" switch.
If not, refer to the GameStream requirements that are not met in your case.
Once the "GameStream" feature is enabled, you will need to add the game you want to be able to play from a remote PC by clicking on "ADD".
Source : Setup Guide · moonlight-stream/moonlight-docs Wiki · GitHub.
Select the main executable of the desired game (or the shortcut of the desired game usually present on your desktop), then click "Open".
By default, the game appears with the name of the selected executable.
Select the game you just added and click "EDIT".
Enter the real name of the game (even if the name doesn't matter), then add a cover (image) if you want by clicking the pencil icon on the right.
Select a game cover found on Google Images or on the site "jeuxvideo.com", then click on "Open".
The selected cover appears.
Click "Done".
The game appears with its real name and cover in the "GameStream" feature.
Moonlight is a program that allows you to connect to the NVIDIA GameStream server that you have just enabled on your gaming PC.
To install Moonlight on a Windows PC, simply access the official Moonlight website, then go to the menu: Client downloads -> Windows, MacOS, Linux, Steam Link, and Raspberry PI 4.
On the "Releases · moonlight-stream/moonlight-qt · GitHub" page, click the "Windows Installer (Universal)" download link.
A little further down this page, you will see that Moonlight needs C++ DLLs to work.
Although the installer downloads and installs them automatically when you install Moonlight, it is also possible to download and install them beforehand.
This is useful if the client PC is not connected to the Internet. Note that you still need a network connection between the client PC (where you will install Moonlight) and the server PC (where you have enabled the "NVIDIA GameStream" feature).
In short, to download C++ DLLs manually, click on the "Microsoft's website" link referenced on this page.
Download the exe files for the "X86" (32-bit) and "X64" (64-bit) architectures.
Then, just run the 2 downloaded exe files and accept the Microsoft license agreement.
Launch the Moonlight installer (downloaded from the GitHub page shown earlier), accept the license agreement for this program and click: Install.
Please wait while Moonlight is installed.
The program "Moonlight Game Streaming Client" is installed.
Click on: Launch.
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