Generally, the "Ethernet" network card (wired with a RJ45 cable) is integrated into the motherboard and is sufficient in most cases.
Buying an Ethernet network card is useful only in 3 cases :
Buying a wireless network card is useful when you can't connect a cable between your computer and the router (the box).
Among the network card brands, here are a few :
Note : NETGEAR is a worldwide leader in networking equipment, intended not only to SMEs and end customers, but also to telecom operators and wired solution vendors broadband and mobile worldwide. More => Netgear - Service Providers.
If you receive bad WiFi signal of your router, the last but good solution is to buy a CPL.
Brands are the same as for network cards :
CPL to create a network connection using power outlets and they allow you to have better performance than with a WiFi connection.
To select your CPL, simply choose the data transfer speed that you want : 200 Mbit/s, 300 Mbit/s, 500 Mbit/s, ..., 1200 Mbit/s.
Notes :
The 2 best brands of the moment are : Western Digital (WD) et Seagate.
Internal hard drives differ depending on :
For the brand Western Digital (WD) that we prefer, different hard drives have a color according to their "type of use" :
For Seagate, 3 types of hard disks exist :
If you no longer want to wait several minutes to start your computer, or to launch your programs (and games): the answer is YES.
In short, a SSD is a big USB drive but connected to a SATA port. Because a SSD consists only of flash memory, there is no mechanical movement. All data transfers are done electronically, which is much faster. However, once launched, the SSD will not alter the fluidity. Unless your program or video game load files from the SSD.
Because SSDs are designed to work with the SATA 3 (6Gb/s), we recommend :
Among the SSD, the SSDs "Samsung SSD 840 PRO 128 GB" and "Samsung SSD 840 PRO 256 GB" are always at the top in rankings. Including this one "SSD Reviews" of the "" website.
The successors of these SSDs are "Samsung SSD 850 PRO 128 GB" and " 850 PRO 256 GB". Versions 128GB and 512GB of these SSD also get 5 stars in the same comparison.
Articles 12/16/2024
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