If you're a geek at heart, you may find yourself opening multiple Windows file explorer windows on Windows 10.
Instead of opening multiple separate windows, you can use an alternative file explorer on Windows 10 that lets you open multiple folders in tabs.
This way, you'll have a single file explorer window, but the contents of each desired folder will be accessible via a single tab (just like you would with web pages on a modern web browser).
On Windows 10, file explorer looks like this.
While there is a quick access to quickly jump to current folders or folders you add to it, it does not support opening multiple folders in tabs.
To solve this problem, there is an application called "Files" which you can download for free from its official website.
This is what this file explorer looks like.
As you can see, you will be able to easily access the contents of several folders via a tab system.
To download the "Files" application, go to the "Download" section of the official Files website.
As you can see, it is possible to:
If you click on "Download Files", the "Files App" application will appear in the Microsoft Store.
If you click on the "classic installer" link at the bottom of the page, you will get the official and free installer "Files.Stable.exe".
To install the "Files" application using the downloaded installer, simply launch the downloaded file and click the "Install" button.
Please wait while "Files" is installed.
Once the "Files" application is installed, click on the "Launch" button.
To open this "Files" file explorer, simply launch the "Files" application available in the Windows 10 start menu.
Once the "Files" application is launched, you will see this.
As you can see, by default, we find almost the same elements as in the Windows file explorer with:
To add a new tab to this file explorer, simply click on the "+" icon (to the right of the 1st tab) as you would in a simple web browser.
A new tab appears and you can navigate to another folder without losing quick access to the folder previously opened in the other tab.
Windows 3/8/2022
Windows 3/15/2022
Windows 8/22/2022
Windows 4/10/2023
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