In some cases, you need to export the private key of a ".pfx" certificate in a ".pvk" file and the certificate in a ".cer" file.
For example :
To generate certificates with makecert but by using your certification authority created on Windows Server.
Knowing that Windows Server offers only export formats ".pfx" and ".cer" for this authority certificate, you must follow this tutorial to use this authority with makecert.
Prerequisites :
- OpenSSL 1.x
To begin, download "OpenSSL", unzip the downloaded zip file and navigate to the "bin" folder.
To avoid OpenSSL say you "WARNING: can't open config file: C:/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf", copy the contents of the "bin" folder in the "C:\OpenSSL" folder (that you must create) .
To begin, start a command prompt (cmd) and type this :
cd C:\OpenSSL
Then, export the private key of the ".pfx" certificate to a ".pem" file like this :
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out key.pem
OpenSSL will ask you for the password that protects the private key included in the ".pfx" certificate.
If the password is correct, OpenSSL display "MAC verified OK".
Then, open the "key.pem" file with WordPad (included with Windows) or Notepad++, delete lines that are above the line "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" and save this file under the same name.
Your file will should look like this :
-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- Several lines of letters and numbers -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
Note : Don't use the Windows's notepad because line returns of this file will not be recognized by this program.
Finally, convert the private key from the ".pem" format to the ".pvk" format.
openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform PVK -pvk-strong -out key.pvk
OpenSSL will ask you, yet again, the password that protects the private key.
To begin, convert the certificate from the ".pfx" format to the ".pem" format, by typing this :
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nokeys -nodes -out cert.pem
OpenSSL will ask you for the password that protects the ".pfx" certificate.
If the password is correct, OpenSSL display "MAC verified OK".
Then, convert this certificate from the ".pem" format to the ".cer" format, by typing this :
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in cert.pem -outform DER -out cert.cer
With these commands, you have your key in the ".pvk" format and your certificate in the ".cer" format (DER encoded).
Windows 9/18/2023
Windows 2/12/2021
Windows 12/17/2015
Windows 1/8/2020
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