In this tutorial, we'll explain how to completely uninstall adware, toolbars, ...
Recently, we created a new tutorial about adware. The tutorial "Remove adware quickly with AdwCleaner" will allow you to quickly remove and tutorial below will allow you to perform the latest changes (if necessary).
To prove that it works, we have created a virtual machine where we installed a lot of adware and other non-recommended software. (don't do this on your computer). No Anti-virus was installed on the virtual machine so that the tutorial is as realistic as possible. That said, it always install an anti-virus on your computer. The firewall is built into Windows or it can be installed on Windows XP by installing at least SP2. Knowing that SP3 is the latest service pack updates provided by Microsoft, but it is not recommended to install on older PCs.
Here is the list of installed software.
Once the adware and malware installed, here's what you look like Web browsers. Let me tell you that your web browsers will begin to paddle and you want to recover quickly as before.
On Firefox 17
On Internet Explorer 8
On Google Chrome
Go to the start menu -> "Control Panel".
In the "Programs", click "Uninstall a program".
Select an Adware / not-recommended software and click "Uninstall".
Repeat this for the other Adware, ...
Once we uninstalled these programs, we could believe that these adware have completely disappeared. BUT, this isn't the case. It remains add-ons, extensions, ... installed in web browsers, files and registry keys.
For proof, some software have left traces in your web browser. On one side it is mainly these and other additional modules that used to earn their money. Yes, money. When you do a search it is not on but for example (typo made ​​on purpose). And since they are paid to research, he won a max money by integrating their advertising software in software installations entirely known.
On Firefox
On Google Chrome
On Internet Explorer
Security 6/26/2015
Security 6/24/2014
Others 10/4/2008
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