You want to create your own configuration (your own tour), but you don't know what components to choose ? This article is for you.
In this article, we will give you tips for each component to avoid ending up with two incompatible components together.
First, for choosing your components, it's necessary to follow the "High Tech" news. The reason is simple : IT is changing fast and the components you choose today will not be the same as in 6 months. This does not mean that your computer will be obsolete in 6, but simply that your components may no longer be sold in 6 months. Since manufacturers constantly create new designs, manufacturers finally stop the creation of his old components for sale new components.
To follow the High Tech news, there are several ways :
- Follow pages like : Tom's Guide, Tom's Hardware, ...
- Sites where you will find tests to compare different graphics cards, SSD, ... As : Tom's Guide, Tom's Hardware, DigitalVersus, ...
- Use the manufacturers websites. As : Asus, Nvidia, Intel, ...
- Facebook pages, Twitter or Google+ of these manufacturers. For example : Asus, Nvidia, Intel, ...
Then, you can also visit the e-commerce websites that sell computer equipment.
From these websites, we recommend : LDLC which is the leader in IT and High Tech, and which was voted best French high tech product website by Internet users. LDLC is very reliable and very well designed. LDLC also has shops dispersed in France.
Then, other websites such ""that is reliable and has, also, stores in France. And Pixmania which is reliable but isn't specialized in IT.
To end this introduction, know that there are always three product lines :
- The low range as : Palit, Inno3D ...
- The middle range as : Asrock, Gigabyte ...
- The high range as : Asus, ...
Some brands are oriented "high end" and others are oriented "low end" or "middle range". However, brands are trying to provide these three product lines to reach more people.
Example : Intel manufactures processors "i3" (low range), "i5" (middle range) and "i7" (high range).
This question is very important because it will allow you to buy a particular component model and also be sure not to get ripped off.
To purchase components, there are 2 solutions :
- Either : buy the components in the computer store near you. The disadvantage is the available offer : 2 or 3 models only for each category of components.
- Either : buy components on a secure online website specialized in IT. Advantages : Many products in stock, a very large offer (many models by brand), prices defeating any concurrency, online reviews to guide you to a particular model, ...
Personally, I recommend LDLC which is the leader in IT and High Tech, which was voted best French high tech product website by Internet users. LDLC is very reliable and very well designed. LDLC also has shops dispersed in France. Moreover, it is on this website that we buy our computer equipment including our new "Zalman Z11 Plus" case that we have mounted a few days ago. That is why we are writing this article.
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