To check and correct errors in the file system, we will use the built in Windows called "Check Disk" (CHKDSK) tool. This replaces the old Scandisk that some have to know the time of Windows 95.
Open File Explorer, right click on the desired partition and click "Properties".
Then, go to the "Tools" tab and click "Check Now".
Then check the 2 boxes and click "Start". If you select the partition where Windows is located (usually the C partition), then Windows will warn you that it can not do it now and offer to plan the audit to the next computer startup.
As indicated above, the warning appears. Click on "Schedule disk check".
In Windows XP, the window is completely different but the principle is the same. Click "Yes" to plan the audit to the next computer startup.
Then restart your computer.
On restart you will see this text appear.
If you want to cancel this verification, press any key.
Otherwise, wait until the countdown reaches 0.
Checking and error correction (if necessary) file system begins.
Once verified, you will have a summary that will appear with the message "Windows has finished checking your disk. Please wait while restarting your computer".
As shown, the computer will then automatically restart and return to Windows.
Since Windows 8, this verification can be done while Windows is running.
Click the "Check" button.
Then, click "Scan drive".
Windows 8 then performs this check (without having to reboot).
To repair the file system of Windows, you can use any installation CD / DVD of Windows :
Windows 3/15/2022
Windows 9/6/2020
Windows 5/1/2023
Windows 10/21/2024
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