On Windows 8 and 8.1, there are 2 techniques to reinstall Windows in case of problem or slowness with it :
In this tutorial, we will show you how to reset your PC in different ways.
To reset your PC from Windows 8 or 8.1, place your cursor at the bottom right of the screen and click on : Settings.
Then, click on : Change PC settings.
In the "Recovery" section, click on the "Get started" button of the "Remove everything and reinstall Windows" section.
A "Preparing" message will appear.
Insert the Windows 8 or 8.1 installation DVD into your CD/DVD drive if this message appears :
Plain Text
Some files are missing. Your Windows installation or recovery media will provide these files.
As specified by Windows, when you reset your PC :
Click on Next.
If you want to keep this computer, click "Just delete my files".
Then, click on "Reset".
If you have created a recovery drive from Windows 8 or 8.1, you can boot to it to reset your PC.
This is useful if Windows 8 or 8.1 no longer starts, for example.
Once you have started on it, choose the language of your keyboard.
If needed, click "See more keyboard layouts" if you can't find yours here.
Click on "Troubleshoot".
Then, on "Reset your PC".
When you want to reset your PC from the recovery drive, you might get an error.
Plain Text
Unable to reset your PC. A required drive partition is missing.
If so, follow the "Resolve common errors with the recovery drive" procedure to resolve the problem.
Then, click again on : Troubleshoot -> Reset your PC.
Now, Windows 8 or 8.1 will be displayed. Click on it.
If this message appears, insert your Windows 8 or 8.1 installation DVD.
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Insert your Windows installation or recovery media to continue.
Once the DVD is inserted, the wizard will go to the next step.
As stated, all your files, apps, and settings will be deleted.
Click on Next.
Click : Only the drive where Windows is installed.
Then, on : Delete my files.
And finally, on : Reset.
Windows 1/2/2023
Windows 4/4/2013
Windows 9/8/2021
Windows 4/2/2022
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