As with previous versions of Windows, Microsoft has placed cookies on Windows 10 and 11, as well as in some programs preinstalled on these new versions of Windows.
Here's how to turn them off.
To avoid being tracked by Microsoft, the easiest way is first to use a local account on Windows 10 or 11 instead of a Microsoft account.
If you don't need the Windows Store and haven't purchased anything there, then we recommend switching to a local account by following our tutorial : Windows 10 - Return to a local account.
Since Windows 10, you have access to many settings concerning confidentiality (= respect for your privacy).
If you want to avoid being traced by Microsoft and other applications on Windows 10 and 11 as much as possible, the easiest way is to disable all the settings present in the "Confidentiality" section.
To do this, open the start menu and click on "Settings" (gear icon).
Then, on Windows 10, click on : Privacy.
On Windows 11, go to the "Privacy & security" section (on the left).
In the "General" section, disable all settings :
Disable the setting to prevent Windows from creating a history of everything you type on Windows.
The "Diagnostics & feedback" section is the most important, because this is where you can influence how Windows 10 will collect data from your computer.
Most of the time, Windows 10 only shows 2 options :
However, if you look on the Microsoft site, there are 4 options :
As you will have understood, the 1st option sends nothing and the last option is the one that will send the most data to Microsoft.
If you have Windows 10 Home or Pro, select : Basic.
On Windows 11, you will only have the possibility to disable or not the option "Send optional diagnostic data".
Further down, on Windows 10 and 11, you will find 2 settings :
Further down, you can also disable the "View diagnostic data" setting and click the "Delete" button to delete the diagnostic data that Microsoft had already collected on your computer.
Finally, at the very bottom, we recommend that you select "Windows should ask for my feedback : Never".
In the "Activity History" section, uncheck the boxes :
Then, click on the "Delete" button present a little lower.
And confirm clearing your activity history by clicking OK.
When online speech recognition is enabled, your voice data is sent to Microsoft to help them improve this speech recognition service.
To prevent this data from being sent to Microsoft, we recommend that you disable this setting.
When the "Allow access to the location of this device" setting is enabled, Windows and the applications that you launch on your computer will be able to know your geographical location.
If you want to avoid being tracked by Windows and apps, we recommend disabling this setting.
To do this, click on the button : Change.
Then, click on the switch to disable this setting : Location access for this device.
Further down, you will find a "Clear" button to erase the location history that would already be present on your computer.
When the "Allow access to the camera on this device" setting is enabled, apps from the Microsoft Store and desktop apps will have access to your computer's camera (if you have one).
To refuse this access, click on the button : Change.
Then, disable this setting : Camera access for this device.
Lorsque le paramètre "Autoriser l'accès au micro sur cet appareil" est activé, les applications pourront utiliser votre micro. Ce qui signifie que vous pouvez être sur écoute sans le savoir.
Pour éviter ce problème, cliquez sur le bouton "Modifier" pour refuser cet accès par défaut.
Ensuite, choisissez : Désactiver.
If access to your computer's microphone is authorized (thanks to the previous setting), you can authorize applications to use your microphone after saying a specific word (like : OK Google, ...).
If you have disabled access to your computer's microphone, this setting will automatically be disabled.
By default access to Windows notifications is allowed.
If you wish, you can disable access to notifications to prevent Windows or apps from trying to read them.
To do this, click on the button : Change.
Then, choose : Disabled.
Windows 8/22/2023
Windows 8/15/2022
Windows 5/8/2023
Windows 12/11/2023
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